GravityDex: Shopping RSS Feeds
Don't miss out on killer deals! The RSS feeds throughout this site can offer you timely notifications
on sales, daily deals, coupons and web exclusive offers. There are details below on how you can take advantage
of the shopping RSS feeds here.
RSS Defined | How to Use RSS | RSS Feeds & Shopping
RSS Defined

The first question you may be asking is what in the world is RSS? You've likely read or heard about RSS feeds lately.
Those little orange RSS icons [similar to: ] are everywhere on the web these days. From the RSS wiki
page, here is the definition in a nutshell:
RSS (which, in its latest format, stands for "Really Simple Syndication") is a family of web feed formats used to publish
frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. An RSS document, which is called a "feed",
"web feed", or "channel", contains either a summary of content from an associated site or the full text. RSS makes it
possible for people to keep up with their favorite sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually.
In other words: RSS gives you the ability to get content updates from web sites without actually going
to the site. This includes online stores. Often times popular and reputible web stores publish coupons, sales,
promotions and special offers through RSS feeds. This site offers On Sale, Promotional and Daily Deal RSS feeds
from several of the top outdoor stores online.

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How to Use RSS

There are many ways for you to get syndicated RSS content delivered with up-to-the-minute updates. There are stand alone RSS readers
you can download...also called Aggregators. Once you install one of these
aggregators, you can take the RSS feed URL behind the little orange RSS icons you see and plug them in to the aggregator/reader.
That's all there is to it. You'll then have updated content from respective sites delivered to you.
More efficiently, though, many social and personalization environments on the web now have feed aggregators included for you to
use free of charge. For example, if you have an email account at Yahoo!, you can use the RSS reader in My Yahoo! to get a
consolidated look at your RSS feeds.
Often times you'll see icons on sites that represent one of these personalization platforms like:
or or
So if you have a My Yahoo! account, you would just click the Yahoo! icon and wala. An instant RSS subscription configured at your
My Yahoo! personal page, rather than on a stand alone feed reader/aggregator.

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RSS Feeds & Shopping

This is where this site comes in. We've compiled a large list of merchants who offer RSS Shopping feeds for their
customer base. Essentially, these are promotional feeds that you can subscribe to that highlight all kinds of killer
bargains and deals. They include online coupons, seasonal and clearance sales, free shipping offers, and just about
anything that will save you money.
Realistically, it would be a difficult task to keep an eye on multiple outdoor stores to see what kind of sales and special
offers might be on the table. By subscribing to the sale, coupon and daily deal RSS feeds on this site, you can aggregate
bargains from respected merchants in your RSS reader for one quick view. When stores update their offers, you'll have the
immediate updates pushed to you. This is a money saving tool you can and should take advantage of! For a
list of all stores with promotional RSS feeds and daily deals click here.

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Shopping Tip
On each of the participating store info pages we've included a current DEALS RSS FEED
for sale info, exclusive coupons and special offers. Click here to learn how to use RSS feeds with this site.